Start your engines!

#mcqueens15 is only a day and half away and hot off the (virtual) presses, here is our final program! Don’t worry about last minute changes, because there are none – all times and locations are the same as in the preliminary schedule. This is the shiny version that you will be presented with on arrival at the conference. We were just so excited that we had to post it to the blog too.

Wishing a safe journey to those of you who are travelling, and hoping all presenters, volunteers, and guests find the conference thought-provoking, useful, and enjoyable!

See you in Kingston Hall!

McGill-Queen’s 2015 Schedule – Updated

An up to date version of our schedule is presented for your conferencing pleasure. This version has been updated to reflect the addition of new panel chairs, a few panelists who have withdrawn, and more detail on our digital humanities round table. The previous version has been removed from the site to avoid confusion.

See the MQ15 schedule HERE.

McGill-Queen’s 2015 Preliminary Schedule is up and running!

The puzzle pieces have come together and we now present our preliminary conference schedule for your viewing pleasure! 22 exciting panels await you inside. Although eagle eyed editors have poured over this document, we do ask all presenters to double check the schedule to ensure your name, affiliation, and paper title appear correctly. If a correction is needed, drop us a line at

#McQueens15 Preliminary Schedule is linked here

Edit: As of February 19, 2015 this document has been removed to avoid confusion with our newest schedule.  (See the above post.)  Thank you for your corrections and suggestions!

Welcome and save the date!

Mark your calendars!  Welcome to The Practical and Impractical Past, the 12th McGill-Queen’s Graduate Conference in History, to be held at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario on March 6-7, 2015.

We are pleased to announce that this year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Fredrik Logevall of Cornell University, winner of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for History for Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America’s Vietnam.  Dr. Logevall’s keynote address will be entitled “The Uses of History: Political Leaders and the Past.”

The tradition of lunchtime workshops at the McGill-Queen’s conference continues, and in keeping with the theme of the past and its uses, this year’s workshop will focus on doing and understanding digital humanities and digital history.

Stay tuned for more details, including our call for papers!

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